Common Company/Companion (ComCom) - the Terms & Conditions (+ Reasons) In Few Points:

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Common Company (ComCom) in 6 points . You can now join the new platform. Why?
Either I am represented in my democratic state and hence what it does is in my responsibility, or I become peer owner in the texture of entities constituting my state.

  • The problem: The bigger the group of equal individuals is the weaker is the power of each individual.
  • The solution: Each individual owns equal part of the group's assets and evaluates it as a whole when leaving the group. Hence, when such small groups equally own bigger ones, the movement of the individual does not harm the bigger, making the solution scalable.
  • more..
  • See also

  • A "leadership crisis"? A "failed system"? Here is an alternative - A stock market regulation aligned with the following six points to benefit customers, which are "peer owners" over parts of the sellers, which are companies in that market.


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By iswithiswith, on 27 Oct 2012 21:07 history Tags:


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