The Personal Agreement Of Ownership Establishing Comcom
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The Personal Agreement for any “ComComized” Ownership: This is a
guideline for any personal agreement of ownership between all the owners of a unit being “comcomized”, where the unit (aka a Common Company, ComCom or a comcomized unit) can only be one of the following three: Scomcomized, Icomcomized or Dcomcomize unit and each owner can only be:

  • either a p-owner (Peer Owner) or a o-owner (Ordinary Owner),1
    • where each p-owner (aka c-holder) can only be either a person or a ComCom2
    • and each o-owner (aka p-holder) can only be either a person or an organization,3
  • but only as, directly or indirectly - through any other entity, the owner obtain only one position of ownership in the unit4 and the owner can at any time trade5 her/his share in exchange for a valuable thing, but only as the exchange is made with whom already agreed with this agreement and is not made between an outer entity and owner in IcomCom or an outer entity and o-owner in DcomCom,
    • where the value of the thing being traded (aka the value a share) is a proportional value reflecting the value of the ComCom as a whole, such that $d/c$ ($d$ divided by $c$) is the exact share owned by each p-owner,6
    • where $c$ (being the count of all p-owners, as $c$ is bigger than one) is the exact number of all p-owners in such ComCom,7
    • where $d$ (being the decentralization property of the organization and as zero is smaller than $d$ and $d$ is smaller than or equal to one) is unchangeable in all the lifetime of the Scomcom, unlike in DcomCom or Icomcom8
      • where $d * 100$ ($d$ multiplied by $100$) is the percentage of the sum of the shares held by all p-owners together,9
      • where $(1-d)*100$ ($(1-d)$ multiplied by $100$) is the percentage of the sum of the shares held by all o-owners together,10
        • and as $t=(v*c)/d$, (as $t$ equals the product of $v$ multiplied by $c$ after the product is divided by $d$)11, where
          • $t$ is the Total reflected value of the ComCom as a whole,
          • $v$ is the Value being trade-able for becoming a p-owner,
          • $c$ is the Count number of exiting p-owners,
        • and hence $n$ is the number of shares held by each p-owner, where the number of all issued shares is $i$, as $n=(i*d)/c$,
    • and where Dcomcomized unit, unlike Icomcominzed one, allows each of its peers to trade the peer's membership with an outer entity for the price of her/his $n$ shares, as the price and who is the buyer is defined by the peer, where in each of both - the Dcomcomized or Icomcominzed unit, the d is changeable, such that $d=(c*n)/i$ and $i=m$, where
    • $m$ is the number of all of privileged members in the unit, of which each
      • is either peer owner in the unit,
      • or one, previously being its peer owner, and currently is a holder in its ordinary owner;
    • each privileged member can always switch back from being non peer to being peer (and hence the unit provides a security net for its member);
    • each ordinary owner must be held only by privileged members of the unit and can only be either of the same type as the owned unit, or a Scomcomized unit of which $d=1$;
    • the number of issued shares is as the number of privileged members, as $i=m$;
    • the value of $n$ is defined only by the authority of the peers, where
      • $n$ is bigger than $0$ and the smaller or equal $1$ and its default value is $1$.
  • Only the the authority of the peers (as one group) may independently determine the number of the peers (the c) in a comcomized unit,12
    • as the type (majority of, all of or other the part of the p-owners) of the decision which must be taken for the authority of the peers to take into effect must be unchangeable in the lifetime of the comcom and be known to all owners;13
  • All decisions upon any property owned by the ComCom must be either be authorized by the decisions made in a specific procedure known to all owners or be decided in it, where the procedure includes the followings:14
    • Type of presence: answering should those who vote meet online, in person, via representative, or otherwise, if otherwise then what?15
    • Length of Issuing: answering what is the length of time between rising an issue for voting (for gathering opinion of the owners upon the issue and spreading the information related to that issue) and defining the last voting time for decision (for making it valid in the name of the ComCom) , so that the owners can vote upon the issue in all the time defined by the Length of Issuing,16
    • Procedure of voting: answering what is the procedure of making decision: who must be present at it and as it is starting in what, ending in what and what are the steps in between its start and its end, which must be included and what are those which should never be included, such that in its end: the issue would become either valid or invalid to represent or to be act in the name of the ComCom.17

Try this interview in 5 parts on youtube and here you have some more link to be cycled around it.

German translation: Persönliche Vereinbarung für jede comcom

In progress French translation

Equal and free owners. Have me in? Y, but only when i have my way out!
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By iswithiswith, on 09 Jul 2012 00:39 history Tags:


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